
Japanese Man Builds Pilot-Controlled Robot

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. state-of-the-art (adj.) 
[steyt-of-thee-art]– making use of the latest or most advanced technology or techniques
Example: The communication company introduced its new state-of-the-art smartphone. 

2. bring to life (idiom) [bring too lahyf]– to make something real
Example: The actors bring to life the characters in movies. 

3. pilot (v.) [pahy-luht]–to act as a pilot or controller of a vehicle
Example: He must pilot the plane with few mistakes to pass the flight test.

4. schematic (n.) [skee-mat-ik, ski-]– a diagram or detailed illustration showing how to build an object
Example: The carpenters studied the house’s schematics closely.

5. made-to-order (adj.) [meyd-too-awr-der, -tuh-]– made for individual customers according to their specific needs or wants
Example She asked the dressmaker to put ribbons on the made-to-order dress.

Read the text below.

Kogoro Kurata, a 39-year-old Japanese artist, has built a massive robot called the “Kuratas,” which weighs 4 tons and stands at 13 feet (4 meters) high. In addition, the robot is equipped with a pilot seat so that an operator can control it from the inside.

Kurata said it had been his dream to create and to ride robots ever since he was a child. When he was younger, he would watch state-of-the-art robots in films and animation. Many of the robots were big and piloted by people.

Kurata added that robots are a part of Japanese culture, and he felt a robot of this type is something that Japanese should bring to life.

Aside from being controlled from the inside, the robot’s arm movement and operating system can be controlled using an iPhone. The Kuratas can be armed with guns that shoot plastic bottles or pellets. It can also move at a maximum speed of 10kph.

It took a team of engineers two years to build the Kuratas robot from the schematics. At present, the same kind of robot can be made-to-order, although a basic model can cost up to 110 million yen ($1.3 million). Customers can choose additional features for their robot such as cup holders and different paint colors.

The creator said he has received thousands of inquiries from interested buyers, but he did not say how many have bought a robot.

Kurata hopes his act of building a robot would encourage others to create even better robots in the future. He is especially interested in how future society could use robots.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

·         What was your dream or goal when you were younger? Why was that your dream?
·         Have you fulfilled this dream or have you decided to do something else?

Discussion B

·         How do you think robots will be used in the future?
·         If you could build your own robot, what features would it have and what would it do? Please explain your answer.


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Indian Textbook Says Eating Meat Leads to Bad Behavior

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. maintain (v.)  [meyn-teyn] – to say that some kind of information or idea is true
Example: The government maintains that the city’s tap water is safe to drink.

2. morality (n.) [muh-ral-i-tee, maw-] – a person’s set of values based on the accepted beliefs of a society
Example: People say the person who did the terrible crime had no morality.

3. anomaly (n.) [uh-nom-uh-lee] – something unusual or unexpected that does not follow standards
Example: The machine automatically checks for anomalies in the products.

4. impressionable (adj.) [im-presh-uh-nuh-buh l, -presh-nuh-] – easily affected or influenced by something
ExampleImpressionable children should be guided by their parents and teachers.

5. distort (v.) [dih-stawrt] – to cause an unnatural change to the form or condition of something
Example: Stress can distort people’s thinking pattern and can change their behavior.

Read the text below.

A controversial new textbook for schools in India claims that eating meat makes people lie, cheat, steal and commit other crimes.

The book, titled “New Healthway: Health, Hygiene, Physiology, Safety, Sex Education, Games and Exercises,” maintains that eating meat causes people to do actions against morality.

Vineet Joshi, chief of the Central Board of Secondary Education, says the book was not approved by the Board. According to Joshi, schools are given freedom to choose their own textbooks based on standards set by the Indian government.

M.M. Pallam Raju, the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, asserts that the book is an undesirable anomaly. He believes the government needs to better check the content of textbooks, which are read by young and impressionable students.

In the country, several groups promote the non-physical effects of vegetarianism. At the Tihar jail, for example, prisoners are given vegetarian food because of the belief that meat distorts a person’s way of thinking while vegetables produce positive changes in the mind.

B.K. Sushant of the Brahma Kumaris educational institution agrees that meat is not good for people. He said poisonous chemicals are released when animals are killed, and these harmful chemicals, when eaten, affect a person negatively.

However, Professor Tanvir Aeijab from Ramjas College does not believe food impacts people’s morality. Aeijab explained that the kind of food people eat depends on their culture and origin. He said that at their school, they have not seen any difference between students who are vegetarian and non-vegetarian.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A 

·         Do you agree that what you eat influences your personality or your actions? Why or why not?
·         Why do you think some people prefer to have a vegetarian diet?
Discussion B

·         What is your opinion on the quality of students’ textbooks in your country?
·         How would you describe a good learning or study material?


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More Women Workers May Save Japan’s Economy

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. salvage (v.) [sal-vij] – to rescue or to save something from loss or damage
Example: They tried to salvage the documents destroyed by the flood.

2. gender gap (n.) [jen-der gap] – a situation wherein males and females are not given fair treatment or the same opportunities
Example:  The company avoids a gender gap by giving equal salaries to male and female employees of the same job position.

3. diversity (n.) [dih-vur-si-tee, dahy-] – the state of having many different kinds or types of something (such as ideas)
Example: We heard a diversity of opinions from speakers at the forum.

4. compulsory (adj.) [kuh m-puhl-suh-ree] – required
Example: The employees must attend the compulsory event set by the management.

5. leave (n.) [leev] – a period of time when someone can  be absent from work or duty
Example: He asked his employer for a one-week leave to take care of a sick family member.

Read the text below.

Japan is currently facing an economic problem: there are not enough people in its workforce to pay welfare costs and needed taxes. However, experts believe women may salvage the economy if women are given more jobs.

According to a Goldman Sachs report in 2010, Japan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) could rise by about 15% if more women would join the workforce.

Data from the government reveals that Japanese women currently earn only 60% of what men earn because most women are part-time workers. In addition, only 65% of women with college-level education have jobs, while 70% of women leave their jobs after giving birth to their first child.

The low number of working women is partly because of gender gap issues in Japan.
Kaori Sasaki, president and CEO of consulting company Ewoman, explains that high company positions have long been held by men who think similarly.

For Japan to have economic growth, she says, management and executives need people—both women and men—who think differently and can provide a diversity of ideas to solve problems.

Masahiro Yamada, professor of family sociology at Tokyo’s Chuo University says women also need to work and have income so they can think of starting families. A population increase would mean more workers to support the economy.

But being a working mom can be a challenge in the country because of long work hours and after-work socializing that almost seems compulsory. Few companies allow parental leave longer than 18 months.

Sasaki says that although some working women believe they are now given more opportunities, the gender gap remains a problem ignored by the country.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

·         In your opinion, are women in your country given enough work opportunities? Why or why not?
·         Do you believe women can really help boost a country’s economy if they can work more? Why or why not?

Discussion B

·         Why do you think gender gap still exists in different parts of the world?
·         What can people do to reduce gender gaps?


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New Gadget Helps Dog Owners Check their Pets’ Health

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. pendant (n.) [pen-duh nt] – a small object hanging from a chain or cord
Example: The queen wore a diamond pendant with a gold necklace around her neck.

2. shiver (v.) [shiv-er] – to shake very lightly because of cold, fear or sickness
Example: The cold wind blew and the poor child shivered in his thin clothes. 

3. manually (adv.) [man-yoo-uh lee] – done by oneself, using physical human effort
Example Even with computers, workers still need to manually check the quality of each product. 

4. veterinarian (n.) [vet-er-uh-nair-ee-uh n, ve-truh-] – a doctor of animals; someone who cares for the health of animals
Example: The zoo veterinarian gave medicine to the sick lion.

5. assessment (n.) [uh-ses-muh nt] – the act of making a judgment or evaluation based on information about something or someone
Example: After all the tests were done, the patient waited for the doctor’s assessment.

Read the text below.

Fujitsu recently released a new pet management service and device called Wandant, which lets pet owners learn detailed information about how their pet dogs are feeling.

 “Wandant” is a combination of two words. “Wan” is from “wan wan,” which is used in Japan to refer to the sound dogs make while “dant” is taken from the English word “pendant,” which refers to the device worn by the pet dog around its neck.

The Wandant looks like a business card attached to a pet collar. It measures 4.6 cm by 2.84cm by 1.25cm and weighs around 16 grams. Inside the device, Fujitsu has placed technology similar to its award-winning K supercomputer.

The pendant can record the dog’s temperature, the amount of shivering experienced by the dog (its “buru-buru” score), and the dog’s number of steps. The data are automatically uploaded to the Internet where the dog’s owner can check them. The data appear as graphs on the pet’s personal profile page, showing the dog’s overall condition.

Pet owners can also manually input other kinds of information into their dog’s account. An owner trying to manage a dog’s weight, for example, can record how much food the dog ate.

Other activities, such as going for a walk or going to the veterinarian, can be recorded in a dog’s Wandant daily diary.

Veterinarians can even use the data on a dog’s profile page in their assessment of a dog’s health.

Pet owners can purchase the Wandant for 9,800 yen and a monthly fee of 420 yen after the first year.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

·         Do you think gadgets like the Wandant pendant are good purchases for pet owners? Why or why not?
·         Can people still take good care of animals even without devices like Wandant? What makes you say so?

Discussion B

·         Should people have a limit on how much time and money they spend on their pets? Why or why not?
·         Name something expensive that you bought for your pet or for yourself. What made you decide to finally buy it?


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Chinese Astronauts Hoping to Plant Vegetables on Mars

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. cabin (n.)  [kab-in] – an enclosed space or room that is used as a temporary shelter
Example: Scientists in field work store food supplies inside a small cabin.

2. station (v.) [stey-shuh n] – to place or assign in a specific area, such as a post or a headquarter
Example: Police officers stationed near schools try to protect students.

3. harvest (v.) [hahr-vist] – to gather crops
Example: The farmers harvested crops to be sold in the market.

4. exploratory (adj.) [ik-splawr-uh-tawr-ee, -splohr-uh-tohr-ee] – intended for discovery or investigation
Example: They performed an exploratory experiment for their project.

5. take off (phrasal verb) [teyk-awf, -of] – to rise or fly into the air
Example: The plane takes off at exactly 6 in the morning.

Read the text below.

Chinese astronauts are studying the possibility of growing vegetables on the moon or on the planet Mars.

In Beijing, scientists created and tested a 300-cubic meter ecological life support cabin for space crafts. Inside the cabin, astronauts could produce their own supply of air, food and water while on space missions. Scientists have already successfully grown four kinds of vegetables inside the test cabin.

Deng Yibing, a researcher at Beijing's Chinese Astronaut Research and Training Center, says the life support system would be useful to future astronauts stationed for a long time on other planets or on the moon. Astronauts could harvest fresh vegetables from the cabin and have fresh meals. The system would not only be a source of food but would also be a source of oxygen.

The experiment is part of China’s long-term space goals. The country has increased its focus on space-related activities while United States, a leader in space exploration, has shut down some of its space programs.

One of China’s goals is to bring a man to the moon, something which Americans last accomplished in 1972.

China’s first exploratory space craft is set to take off to the moon next year. Chinese scientists are also hoping to send a manned spacecraft to the moon, but no official date has been planned yet.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

·         How could growing food on the moon or on other planets benefit people who are not astronauts?
·         What may be some disadvantages to growing our food supplies on other planets?

Discussion B

·         Do you think it will be possible to live on other planets in the future? Why or why not?
·         What advantage would people gain if they could live on other planets?


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More UK Teachers Leaving the Profession

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. quit (v.) [kwit] – to leave or stop from doing something
Example: The unhappy employee quit his job after a fight with his boss.

2. insult (v.) [in-suhltin-suhlt] – to speak to or treat disrespectfully
Example: The students insulted the new teacher by talking loudly while she was teaching.

3. demoralized (adj.) [dih-mawr-uh-lahyz d, -mor-] – weakened in confidence, spirit, or having no motivation or inspiration
Example: A good teacher should encourage demoralized students to continue studying.

4. retain (v.) [ri-teyn] – to keep
Example: Students cannot retain new vocabulary words without regular practice.

5. scrutiny (n.) [skroot-n-ee] – the act of carefully watching or studying something or someone
Example: The scrutiny of workers is one important task of the manager.

Read the text below.

The number of UK teachers leaving their profession went up almost 20% over the last year (2010-2011). 

Schools Minister David Laws revealed that in 2010-2011, around 47,700 teachers quit their jobs compared to only 40,070 in 2009-2010. The government is unsure whether the increase will continue in the long-term or if the increase is just temporary. 

Figures taken from years before 2011 showed a gradual decrease in the number of teachers quitting their jobs. The sudden increase may be related to government officials’ negative comments about teachers. Prime Minister David Cameron and Education Secretary Michael Gove had insulted teachers by calling them “whingers,” a British term meaning “people who complain a lot.”

A recent survey by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers showed that over the past 12 months, 80% of schoolteachers have been feeling demoralized and 50% have seriously thought about quitting.

According to Christine Blower of the National Union of Teachers, retaining experienced teachers at schools is becoming more difficult because of pay freezes (no increase in salary) and decreases in pension, combined with greater workload and scrutiny from the government

On the brighter side, the Department of Education reports an increase in the number of new teacher trainees in 2011. The government is also planning on supporting programs that attract top university graduates into the teaching profession.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor

Discussion A

·         Do you think teachers in your country are shown enough respect or appreciation? What makes you say so?
·         What are some difficulties experienced by teachers in your country (e.g., low pay, lack of benefits, etc.)? How can the government help teachers?

Discussion B

·         Tell me about a teacher that you remember the most. Why do you remember that teacher?
·         What are the qualities of a good teacher? What kind of qualities do you dislike in a teacher?


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