
The story of the Girl



The Girl won the war and changed history the day she fought back…
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Prince Charles Claims His Sons Inherited His Dance Moves

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. inherit [in-HER-it] (v.) – to receive traits or characteristics from one's parents through genes
Example: She inherited her big brown eyes from her mother.

2. prowess [PROU-is] (n.) – great skill, talent, or ability
Example: Marjoe’s dancing prowess made her popular at school.

3. come in handy [kuhm – in- HAN-dee] (idiom.) – to become useful or convenient
Example: Her skills in dancing came in handy when a guy asked her to dance in the party.

4. becoming [bih-KUHM-ing] (adj.) – proper or appropriate
Example: Dancing to an upbeat music is now less becoming due to his old age.

5. subconsciously [suhb-KON-shuh s-lee] (adv.) – existing in one’s mind without the person’s awareness
Example: She subconsciously feels the desire to dance every time she hears the music playing.


Read the text below.
Prince Charles insists that his sons William and Harry have inherited an essential quality from him—his dance moves.

In 1974, Prince Charles expressed in a magazine interview that he has the urge to get up and dance whenever he hears a rhythmic music. 

Almost 40 years later, the Prince acknowledged that he still has passion for dancing, although it has slightly turned less becoming because of his age. Prince Charles, now 64, added that given half the chance to dance again, a few simple steps may still come in handy.

The Prince of Wales gladly said that Prince William, now the Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, had subconsciously picked up his love for dancing. Although they may appear shy and reserved, both princes are often photographed dancing with enthusiasm [en-THOO-zee-az-uh m] in some gatherings.

However, some people believe that the princes got their talent for dancing from their late mother, Princess Diana. The princes’ mother was widely known to be a graceful dancer. In the mid-1980s, Princess Diana captivated America by dancing with John Travolta at a dinner in the White House.

While he expressed great pleasure with his sons’ dancing prowess, Prince Charles also conveyed how happy he is in his current relationship with Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall. He expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome they received during their trip in Australia last year. He also feels delighted that his wife made a lasting impression and that Australians recognize how special the Duchess of Cornwall is.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think having a talent is important if one is a member of the royal family? Why or Why not?
·         How else do you think can a talent be of use to the members of the royal family?

Discussion B

·         In your opinion, can a talent be inherited or is it something that anyone can learn? Please explain your answer.
·         How can a person improve his or her talent? Please explain briefly.


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Easy to remember
Those days in late October
That scary day,
Costumes and play,
The truth obscured,
That creepy day.

Pumpkins carved with artful care,
Falling leaves everywhere,
Candied apples,
I close my eyes,
Go back in time,
My childish side.

Tomorrow all Saints come back to our plane.
Tonight the veil thinning again & again,
The veil so thin you can almost touch
Those who have gone before
So reach out if you must.

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Countries in Northern Europe Ranked as the World’s Happiest Nations

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. well-being [WEL-BEE-ing] (n.) – the condition of being happy and satisfied
Example: Having good health and a satisfying career can improve one’s well-being.

2. fall [fawl] (v.) – to drop from a higher place
Example: The country’s economic ranking fell from the 58th place to the 60th.

3. unrest [uhn-REST] (n.) – the condition in which citizens of a country express their anger through violent protests
Example: The political unrest in the country has caused violent riots among the citizens.

4. poverty [POV-er-tee] (n.) – the condition of having very little to no access to money and the basic needs
Example: Due to poverty, many people can only eat once or twice a day.

5. societal [suh-SAHY-i-tl] (adj.) – referring to a society’s organization, structure, or function
Example: A country needs societal development to achieve long-term progress.


Read the text below.
The 2013 World Happiness Report revealed that the countries in northern Europe are the happiest nations in the world.

The Columbia University's Earth Institute based the report on a survey of 156 countries conducted from 2010 to 2012. This report comes at a time when more people wish for their government to focus more on the public’s well-being instead of on economic development.

Among the top five happiest countries were Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden respectively. Canada, Finland, Austria, Iceland, and Australia came as the sixth to tenth happiest nations.

Surprisingly, Asian countries such as Israel and the UAE came in the top 15. Some major nations also ranked quite well in the report. The US ranked as the 17th happiest nation, Germany at the 26th place, Japan at the 43rd, Russia at the 68th, and China at the 93rd.

On the other hand, the least happy countries were all from Sub-Saharan Africa, namely Togo, Benin, Central African Republic, Burundi, and Rwanda. Some countries such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Egypt, Myanmar, and Saudi Arabia also fell in this year’s ranking.

The ranking of several countries dropped due to the recent economic crisis and political unrest they experienced. Poverty, unemployment, and severe mental illnesses have also caused the drop in rankings for some nations. On another note, some of the countries jumped up the ranking because the level of corruption has decreased.

In order to improve the happiness level of a country, the report suggests that government allot enough budget for health, especially mental illnesses. The report also stressed the importance of balancing societal progress and economic development.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Why do you think most of the countries in the top 10 are from Europe?
·         In your opinion, how can this report be of use to the countries?

Discussion B

·         In your opinion, why is improving the citizens well-being important?
·         How else can the people’s well-being be improved?


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pyramid power…
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Sonic Geometry video link

This video arrived in my inbox
With a hundred other promises
Of profound knowledge,
The answer to life, health, liberty,happiness,
Free shipping.

Something lured me to open this one
And watch it.
I am seeing through a different lens now.
Posted this Monday night during the World Series.

Cards lost the game, the Series goes on...

Been thinking about the geometry of baseball since watching sonic

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Video Game May Sharpen Adults’ Brain

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. deteriorating [dih-TEER-ee-uh-reyt-ing] (adj.) – decreasing or worsening
Example: My grandfather’s deteriorating health worries me.

2. multi-task [MUHL-tee-task] (v.) – to do two or more activities at the same time
Example: Having several assignments and chores requires Mika to multi-task.

3. execute [EK-si-kyoot] (v.) – to do an action
Example: The instructor asked the participants to execute the tasks by following the instructions.

4. sustain [suh-STEYN] (v.) – to maintain or to keep something up
Example: Vitamins sustain nutrients for the elderly.

5. immediately [ih-MEE-dee-it-lee] (adv.) – without any interval in time; in an instant
Example: He immediately submitted the exam papers when the test administrator told him to do so.


Read the text below.
Scientists have recently developed a video game that may be able to improve an adult’s short-term memory and long-term focus. 

Deteriorating cognitive abilities are quite natural as humans grow old. However, a recent study showed that the video game NeuroRacer could actually counteract the effects of aging. It is a game that allows a person to multi-task, which can thus improve the neurological capabilities of seniors to the level of those in their 20s.

Twelve 60 to 80-year-old adults participated in the study. Researchers asked these participants to execute tasks, such as manipulating a car on-screen and following the signs displayed. Then, the researchers compared the participants’ performance on the first task with the performance on the second task.

According to the lead author of the study, the participants’ performance dropped by 65 percent when they were asked to multi-task. On the other hand, they only had a 16 percent decrease in performance after the researchers let the participating seniors rehearse for a month. The second result is quite remarkable compared with the 20-year-olds who experienced a drop in performance by 27 percent.

Aside from the said improvements, the participants’ brain also improved its ability to sustain attention, as well as its ability to store knowledge, hold memories, and respond immediately.

The lead author also said that similar benefits may be present in other video games that allow players to focus on a specific target. Currently, new video games for people suffering from attention deficit disorder and depression are in the development process.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think video games can improve one’s mental abilities? Why do you say so?
·         How else do you think can video games affect a person?

Discussion B

·         In your opinion, why are memories important?
·         How do you think can people prevent themselves from losing their memory?


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Stick Season....only the beginning

Stick Season goes on seemingly forevermore

 For the first 30 years here I saw the winter to be too colorless without green
Just look up
On a cold clear day
You see what the leaves see.

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Sonic Geometry link

As I listen to the World Series,
I recalled this video link that found me.
Transformative, fascinating,
Then relaxing as you tune into the ancient energies.
It takes
Half an hour or so,
It is bound to give you some answers,
Now what were the questions again?
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Travelogue for the Universe: Summer reruns

Listening to the World Series on 96.1 fm out of Waterbury, Vermont.
So thought I would post a link to one of my favorite poems
Coyote Night
Go Cards!

Travelogue for the Universe: Summer reruns: A rerun of one of my favorites. Summer memories are warm and sweet. I wanted to share a poem even while fearing once I let it out I wil...
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Lonely People Who Turn to Shopping Become Lonelier, Study Says

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. satisfy [SAT-is-fahy ] (v.) – to feel pleased or contented
Example: Receiving an expensive gift for her birthday satisfied her expectations.

2. vicious cycle[VISH-uh s SAHY-kuh l] (n. phrase) – the condition in which a problem results in another problem
Example: The company was trapped in a vicious cycle, in which low sales led to bankruptcy.

3. down [doun] (adj.) – being low in spirit; depressed
Example: He felt so down after his pet dog died.

4. materialism [muh-TEER-ee-uh-liz-uh m] (n.) – a strong desire to acquire material things
ExampleMaterialism has urged her to acquire many unnecessary properties.

5. delude [dih-LOOD] (v.) – to be dishonest with someone
Example: The retailer lost many customers after news about him deluding a client came out.


Read the text below.
A new study revealed that shopping during depressing times may make a person more susceptible to materialism and loneliness.

Professor Rik Pieters of Tilburg University in the Netherlands explored the links between shopping, materialism, and loneliness through a long-term survey involving 2500 consumers.

The survey revealed that no matter how much a person earns, loneliness, shopping, and materialism are directly linked to each other. It also claimed that shopping is a vicious cycle. The more materialistic a person is, the lonelier he or she gets. But the lonelier a person gets, the more he or she becomes materialistic.

The researcher was also able to identify three different types of shoppers. The first type is the shopper who enjoys the shopping experience and the possession of nice things to feel better when down.

On the other hand, the second type of shopper buys new things to compete with others in order to be viewed as more successful. The third type is a person who thinks shopping satisfies his or her desires for comfort and luxury. These shoppers buy things because doing so makes them happy and fills the emptiness they experience.

Although materialism may delude people at one point, Pieters said that it may also have a positive effect. People who are capable of buying luxury items appear more contented and happier than others, thus they are considered more pleasant to be with. After all, it is not materialism that is problematic but the reason behind materialism itself.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Why do you think people shop whenever they feel sad?
·         Among the three types of shoppers in the article, which do you think is the worst? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         Aside from shopping, how else can people cope with sadness?
·         What do you think are the other disadvantages of shopping when one is lonely? Please explain your answer/s.


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