
Soccer Players Now Aware of their Responsibilities

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. get away with [get uh-WEY with] (phrasal v.) – to succeed in avoiding punishment after doing something bad
Example: Drug tests ensure that athletes will not get away with cheating.

2. accountable [uh-KOUN-tuh-buh l] (adj.) – required to explain and take responsibility for one’s actions, decisions or behavior
Example The coach is accountable for whatever actions his team does.

3. scrutiny [SKROOT-n-ee] (n.) – a close and careful observation and examination
Example: The athlete came under scrutiny after being involved in illegal activities.

4. tactic [TAK-tik] (n.) – an action or plan used to achieve a desired result
ExampleThe player’s football tactics helped the team win the game.

5. take heed [teyk heed] (v. phrase) – to pay attention to something
Example The football player took heed of his coach’s advice and succeeded in winning the game.


Read the text below.
Soccer superstars should now act more responsibly after a biting incident between players during the English Premier [PREM ih yair] League was televised last month.

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez bit the arm of Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic in a soccer match in early May. In 2010, Suarez was also caught biting an opponent during a Dutch League Game and was banned for seven matches. Last season, he racially abused a player from Manchester United and served an eight-match ban.

Pedro Pinto, a CNN World Sport anchor, says that Suarez could have gotten away with the biting incident twenty years ago. But with today's extensive coverage and exposure of the league, players are increasingly held accountable for their actions.

The Premier League is broadcasted in 212 territories and is watched by 4.7 billion people worldwide, making it the most watched soccer competition in the world. Each game is shot by 20 cameras and televised in HD.

Because each game is televised worldwide, soccer players from the Premier League are now considered superstars, having money, fame and admiration from millions of fans. However, these players are always under close scrutiny in and out the soccer field.

Some players admitted using various tactics before, such as poking or pinching when the referee wasn't looking, to distract opponents during the game. But now, players are forced to behave well and take responsibility for their actions.

According to Pinto, players should take heed of and learn from the Suarez incident. Players should realize that a superstar status comes with great responsibility.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Why should superstars be responsible for their actions? Please explain your answer.
·         What do you think are the best things about being a superstar? What are the worst things?

Discussion B

·         How would you behave if you knew that other people are watching all your actions?
·         How do you think can people avoid hurting each other or misbehaving during a competition?


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Friday Musik

Check her out

last day of May,
Summer arrived yesterday in Vermont
Hot, Hazy and Humid, mid 80's
We are woefully behind on gardening and yet the cold just perpetuated our delays.
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Fame is linked to Shorter Lives, Study Says

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. obituary [oh-BICH-oo-er-ee] (n.) – an article or an announcement of a person’s death, often in newspapers
Example: The famous actor’s death was announced in obituaries of several newspapers.

2. life span [lahyf span] (n.) – the amount of time that a living organism exists
Example: Studies show that Japanese people have long life spans.

3. academe [AK-uh-deem, ak-uh-DEEM] (n.) – a learning institution, especially a college or a university
Example: She wants to work for the academe because of her love for education.

4. conclusive [kuh n-KLOO-siv] (adj.) – proven as a fact or without a doubt
Example: Several studies present conclusive findings that confirm the link between smoking and lung cancer.

5. stressor [STRES-er, -awr] (n.) – an activity or situation that causes stress
Example: Peer pressure is one of the man’s major stressors.


Read the text below.
A recent study revealed that performers and athletes die earlier compared to people with different professions.

Australian researchers analyzed 1,000 obituaries from the New York Times to observe the relationship between fame and shorter life spans.  The study was published in an international journal of medicine.

Results showed that actors, singers, musicians, and athletes died at an average age of 77, while authors, composers, and artists died at 79. On the other hand, people working in the academe such as historians and economists lived for an average of 82 years, while those who were successful in business and politics lived until the age of 83.

The study also found that lung cancer was the most common cause of death among the performers. An author of the study believes that the tendency among performers to smoke or use harmful drugs to improve their performance may have caused this particular result.

To provide a scientific explanation for the findings, psychologist Honey Langcaster-James stated that a career established in fame may present stressors that encourage risk-taking behaviors. She also believed that certain types of personality influence one’s desire for fame.

Although the findings of the study are not conclusive, the authors pointed out that the results raise important questions about the possible consequences of fame. The findings also serve as a warning among young individuals who dream of becoming famous in the future.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you agree that fame can be negative and destructive in some situations? Why do you think so?
·         What do you think are the disadvantages of being a celebrity and living in fame? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         Do you think it is difficult to live a very famous life? Why do you think so?
·         How do you think can people live normally despite being famous?


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I found a great Egyptology book at the community action second hand store.
Maybe a dollar,
Worth  way more to me. 
Factoids, history,
Images, rituals,
Hieroglyphs, Symbolism,
Deities, Queens and child Kings.
Massive temples, Pyramids,
Hierarchy, calendars, zodiacal advice.
Priests, who were sort of legal and civic in function.
Oh, and the really big questions,
How could any modern-day human
Comprehend let alone explain it all
neatly in chapters,
Come on,
What did it sound like?
Taste, Smell, Feel like?
The true and street view,
What made them happy, sad, angry,
This was a good start,
But I still want
That other,
Unknown, Untold

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Utah Finally Allows Inmates to Donate Organs

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. atone [uh-TOHN] (v.) – to do good as payment for one’s offense or crime
Example: The teenager needs to do 100 hours of community service to atone for his crime.  
2. prohibit [proh-HIB-it] (v.) – to not allow a person from doing something
Example: Jail visitors are prohibited from bringing any sharp object.

3. coercion [koh-UR-shuh n] (n.) – the use of force or power to get a person to do something
Example: The police used coercion to make the suspect confess about the crime.

4. means to an end [meens too an end] (idiom) – describes an action done only to achieve another hidden purpose
Example: Some people use organ donation as a means to an end, hoping to earn money instead of just helping a person in need.

5. plea  [plee] (n.) – a request that is usually emotional
Example: The prisoner made plea so he can see his family.


Read the text below.

The governor of Utah, U.S.A. authorized the first state law that allows prisoners, even those in the death row, to register as an organ donor last March 28, 2013.

Utah State Representative Steve Eliason pushed the law after being inspired by the story of Ronnie Lee Gardner. Gardner is a murderer who wished to donate his organs but was banned to do so.

Steve Eliason felt disappointed when someone who may want to atone for his or her sins by donating organs is prohibited from doing so.

However, an ethics expert says that coercion might arise if a population as vulnerable as prisoners would be allowed to donate their organs. Prisoners might be pressured especially because the country has nearly 118,000 people waiting for organ donations.

According to Dr. Paul R. Helft, a non-believer of organ donations for death penalty prisoners, the prisoners would just use the law as a means to an end. Other barriers may also exist, such as the high number of diseased prisoners and the execution methods that may make the organs no longer useful.

On the other hand, Christian Longo, an Oregon death row inmate, believes that every organ donor can save many lives. Longo has been working hard to make Oregon officials consider his request but unfortunately been denied. He even created a Facebook page and has written a plea in New York Times about organ donation.

Longo considers Utah as the first success in his battle and says that he will use this success to convince Oregon to do the same.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think prisoners should or should not be allowed to donate their organs? Why do you say so?
·         Why do you think some people want to donate their organs? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         Should the law make an exception in favor of a dying man’s request? Why or why not?
·         If the need arises, would you accept an organ from someone you barely know? Why is that so?


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Covered Bridge Rerun

time for a rerun...#1

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Australian Movie Industry Suffers Due to Strong Currency

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. picturesque [pik-chuh-RESK] (adj.) – visually beautiful and charming, like a painting
Example:  The picturesque Himeji Castle is a popular destination among tourists.

2. shoot [shoot] (v.) – to film or to take a photograph
Example:  Film productions need a permit to shoot in public places.

3. blockbuster [BLOK-buh s-ter] (n.) – something very popular and successful (like a movie, novel, show, etc.)
Example: The blockbuster movie “Titanic” earned a total of $1.84 billion in ticket sales worldwide.

4. jeopardy [JEP-er-dee] (n.) – risk or danger
Example:  Making sudden decisions can put your career in jeopardy.

5. back [bak] (v.) – to give support to someone or something
Example:  The government backed and funded the film project.


Read the text below.
With its picturesque landscapes, Australia has long been a popular filming location among international film producers. However, the country's strong currency is now causing a decrease in the number of foreign productions shooting in Australia.

Numerous films have been made in Australia, including blockbusters like Star Wars Episode II and III, the Matrix Trilogy, Mission Impossible 2 and Moulin Rouge [moo-LAN roozh]. From 2000 to 2009, Australia gained an average of US $137 million each year from foreign productions.

But as the Australian dollar became stronger and stronger, movie makers started to look for cheaper alternatives. As a result, Australia gained about $1 million in 2010 and $3 million in 2011. No major foreign movie was made in the country during those years.

In an effort to win back filmmakers, the Australian government is offering incentives, grants and tax cuts.

For instance, the government will give a $22 million grant to Disney to shoot a film in Australia. According to ministers, the money will be well spent because foreign productions create jobs, generate investments and uphold Australia as one of the world's best filming locations.

However, some people say that Australia should focus on its domestic film industry rather than spend millions to attract foreign producers. Ignoring the local industry might cause long-term damage and put thousands of jobs in jeopardy.

Peter Krausz [krouz], chairman of the Australian Film Critics Association, says foreign movies do not reflect Australian values, culture, and stories. Australia should back its own movies that feature the country itself, Krausz added.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think Australia should focus on attracting international filmmakers or on strengthening its local movie industry? Why do you say so?
·         What do you prefer:  a foreign or a local film? Please explain your answer. 

Discussion B

·         What, for you, is the most important aspect of a movie? (Plot, characters, visuals like scenery or computer graphics, etc.) Please explain your answer.
·         If you could make your own film, what would it be about and why?


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Tuesday Music Link...

After a soggy weekend, beautiful Monday,
a music link to start the week
Beth Hart.

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