***Warning to liberal readers and friends,
I <3 nbsp="" p="" you...="">> I respect your right to your opinion.
Please respect mine.
Neil and I share a very expensive disease, MS, which although that is not the focus of this video,
our individual pathways led our passions about healthcare. Our passions have roots in a disease that causes unpredictable, scary symptoms, and costs lots of money for treatment, diagnosis and the rest.
Facing a chronic debilitating disease,
people realize they have one thing that is more important than anything else,
Then those same people get angry, confused and frustrated, despondent, concerned, shut down even.
Why apply with no money? No immediate need?
Yeah, it is overwhleming.
Inflation, fuel, taxes, meds, now messing with our healthcare.
I warned in earlier posts in section Health Care Morass regarding the cost of mandates, the people who do not have to submit to the mandated insurance.
Thanks Neil for speaking up when so many of us cannot speak this outloud.