
Showing posts with label Technology/Innovations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology/Innovations. Show all posts

Popular App Allows Vanishing Messages

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. customized [KUHS-tuh-mahyzd] (adj.) – having been changed or edited to suit somebody’s preference
Example: She put her favorite characters in the customized picture she showed us.

2. unicorn [YOO-ni-kawrn] (n.) – a fictional creature depicted like a white horse having a singular straight horn on the forehead
Example: She posted images of magical unicorns in her Facebook account.

3. vanish [VAN-ish] (v.) – to suddenly disappear
Example: I did not finish reading the text message because it immediately vanished.

4. indecent [in-DEE-suh nt] (adj.) – unacceptable to certain moral standards, especially in sexual matters
ExampleIndecent comments in the site are deleted to avoid offenses.

5. groundless [GROUND-lis] (adj.) – not having a basis or evidence
Example: His groundless arguments were dismissed by the parties concerned.


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The app Snapchat is now gaining popularity as more and more people see it as an entertaining way to communicate.

Snapchat is a message service application which was initially released in September 2011 and is based in Southern California, USA. It has become in demand ever since, especially to teenagers.

This app enables users to send customized images. The app’s touch screen features allow the users to personalize the pictures they send. For example, users can draw moustaches [MUHS-tash-is, muh-STASH-is] on faces, create speech bubbles, turn their pictures into princesses or unicorns, or exactly anything they want.

Moreover, the most popular feature of this app is that the pictures and videos sent can vanish in seconds.  Pictures and videos may be timed by the sender to disappear within 10 seconds or less after having been opened.  

Because of this feature, however, Snapchat has been the subject of criticisms. Some people fear that teenagers may feel safe in sending indecent and sexually-suggestive messages.

But according to Matthew Johnson, the director of Education at a non-profit digital literacy organization Mediasmart, this fear is groundless. Johnson argued that Snapchat is used in the same way as other message services are used. He also said that a research conducted by Mediasmart revealed that teenagers expect their peers to act responsibly. Johnson also added that sending messages avoid misunderstanding because one can send with visual expressions that cannot be found in e-mail and common text messaging.

Furthermore, Johnson emphasized that using Snapchat already indicates that the sender is not serious and is merely having fun.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think Snapchat would make communication more effective? Why or why not?
·         After reading this article, would you be interested to use Snapchat? Why is that so?

Discussion B

·         Do you agree that message service applications like Snapchat have a disadvantage? Explain.
·         How can we guide teenagers in using message service applications responsibly?


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Pay for Airline Space Instead of Seats With Morph

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. cushioned [KOO SH-uh nd] (adj.) – supported by a soft bag (e.g. a pillow)
Example: Cushioned seats are very comfortable to sit on. 

2. hammock [HAM-uh k] (n.) – a hanging bed made out of a net or fabric
Example: Sleeping on a hammock at the beach is very relaxing.

3. recline [ri-KLAHYN] (v.) – to lean backward
Example: You can sleep better if you recline your seat. 

4. take into account [TEYK  IN-too uh-KOUNT](idiom)– to think about or consider something
Example: We should take into account many factors when making a new product.

5. go nowhere [GOH NOH-hwair, -wair] (idiom) – to not succeed or do well
Example: His business proposal will go nowhere because it is too costly. 


Read the text below.
Morph is a new concept for airline seats that allows airplane passengers to pay for space instead of seats.

This concept was created by the British design firm Seymourpowell to let passengers manage their own space. Instead of three separate cushioned seats, the design uses a single sheet of fabric stretched across the seats like a hammock. The fabric is clamped down by armrests. The backrest is also made of another sheet of fabric which is separated by upper dividers.

The Morph has many features, including adjustable armrests and dividers that can suit the size and needs of the traveler. Another feature is its backrest with movable parts that allow the traveler to recline without moving the whole seat.

A standard airplane seat is 18 inches wide. A travelling father can adjust his seat to 20 inches while his child can adjust his to 16 inches. The total will still be two standard airplane seats but the father can have more space and the child can still sit comfortably at no extra cost. Seymourpowell suggests that children can sell or trade their extra space to passengers who want more space.

Aside from the passenger's size, the new design takes into account how people feel. Some people want more privacy while some do not mind having smaller spaces.

Morph is indeed an interesting concept but it is unlikely to go anywhere. Such seats will have to go through various tests and meet strict safety regulations. Issues may also occur if passengers start fighting for space.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think that Morph will be popular among passengers? Why do you think so?
·         In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of this new design? Please explain briefly.

Discussion B

·         Why is privacy important? Please explain your answer. 
·         What can a person do to maintain his/her privacy when travelling? Please explain briefly.


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Smart Glasses May Help the Blind Move Around

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. aid [eyd] (v.) – to provide assistance or help
Example: Reading glasses aid people with sight problems read with ease.

2. indicate [IN-di-keyt] (v.) – to show or to signal something
Example: The icon on the computer screen indicates that there is a problem in the system.

3. minute [mahy-NOOT, -NYOOT, mi-] (adj.) – very small in size
Example: The hidden camera is so minute that nobody ever notices it.

4. static [STAT-ik] (adj.) – stays in one place; not moving
Example: The computer showed static images instead of videos.

5. overlay [oh-ver-LEY] (v.) – to put one thing on top of another
Example: The sunglasses are overlaid with UV filters.


Read the text below.
A recent project called ‘Assisted Vision’ is developing smart glasses that could hopefully aid blind people move around on their own.

A team headed by Stephen Hicks from the University of Oxford designed the smart glasses. It will be capable of collecting visual information using sensors, which will relay the information back to the user through OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens and headphones.

Two cameras embedded in the glasses create the effect of stereoscopic vision, or the ability to see things using both eyes simultaneously, and determine the user’s distance from surrounding objects. The glasses also contain a gyroscope [JAHY-ruh-skohp] that indicates the wearer’s movement, a compass that reveals the user’s direction, and a minute GPS tracker that provides the user’s exact location.

The distance of the objects is indicated by brightness—brighter objects mean they are closer to the user. The cameras, on the other hand, capture images that tell whether the objects are moving or static. Also, gyroscopic information indicates the user’s movement in relation to his or her surroundings.

The user can see all the processed information as it is displayed on a set of transparent OLED screens overlaid on the glasses. Furthermore, smart glasses are equipped with headphones that use text-to-speech software to provide spoken assistance. These headphones work with the GPS to dictate navigation instructions.

The developers have made these smart glasses very accessible as surgery or training is not needed for people to use the product. In addition, affordable USB webcams and Microsoft Kinect make the glasses more inexpensive.  

For now, the team is planning to add more features and make the smart glasses ready for the market.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         If you were blind, would you be willing to purchase a pair of these smart glasses? Why?
·         What do you think are the disadvantages of using the smart glasses?

Discussion B

·         How important do you think is your sense of sight? Explain.
·         How can you take care of your sense of sight?


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More Employees Use Personal Devices at Work Despite Risks

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. commonplace [KOM-uh n-pleys]  (n.) – something well-known or common
Example:  All employees chose to use the old procedure because they consider it their commonplace.

2. gain traction [geyn TRAK-shuhn] (idiom) –  to attain widespread popularity or acceptance
Example:  Tablet computers are now gaining traction as more consumers move away from traditional laptops and desktops.

3. contravene [kon-truh-VEEN] (v.) – to violate or disobey
Example: The assistant was fired after contravening the company’s policy against leaking confidential documents.

4. workflow [WURK-floh] (n.) – a sequence of steps or processes that a person follows when doing his or her work
Example: It is difficult to get used to the company’s new workflow because I have gotten used to my own way of doing things.

5. remote wipe [ri-MOHT wahyp] (n. phrase) – a feature in electronic devices that allows the user to remotely erase the data on a device in case it is lost or stolen
Example:  After my phone was stolen, I immediately called the IT department and asked them to perform a remote wipe.


Read the text below.

A new survey has found that more and more employees are bringing their own electronic devices in the workplace despite the security risks that come with doing so.

The survey, conducted by Fortinet, comes at a time when smartphones are a commonplace, and cloud services like Dropbox and Google Docs are gaining traction in the mainstream market. Fortinet conducted the survey among 3,200 respondents, who were asked about BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies in their workplace and their use of personal devices and cloud services at work.

Results showed that 50% of the respondents would be willing to contravene any company policy that bans personal devices in the workplace. Meanwhile, 36% said they would do the same for cloud services like Dropbox and Google Docs.

Furthermore, the study revealed that people generally have lack of awareness about the various security threats against smartphones, computers, and online services, as well as the best practices to follow when using personal devices at work. For instance, 14% of respondents said they would not tell their employers if their smartphone was hacked or stolen.

Although using personal devices and established personal workflows may be convenient to most employees, many IT departments enforce strict rules to protect sensitive company information.

For example, most companies prefer company-issued smartphones that have encryption and remote wipe features. Many companies also enforce limitations on how company files may be accessed. These limitations specifically prohibit the uploading of files to cloud services like Dropbox in order to prevent accidental leaks of corporate data.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think it is important to follow a company’s policy regarding the use of personal devices at work? Why or why not?
·         If you were given a choice, would you rather use a company-issued phone or your own phone for your job? Explain.

Discussion B

·         How do you think can companies protect their private and confidential information?
·         In your opinion, why is privacy important in companies?


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Twitter is Now More Popular Than Facebook

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. preference [PREF-er-uh ns, PREF-ruh ns] (n) – the condition of choosing one thing or person as more desirable than another thing or person
Example: The young man expressed his preference for DSLR cameras rather than camera phones.

2. giant [JAHY-uh nt] (n.) – a person or object that is extraordinarily accomplished or very successful
Example: Twitter is a giant among social networking sites because it has the most number of users.

3. sizeable [SAHY-zuh-buh l] (adj.) – considerably large, huge, or substantial
Example: I do not feel satisfied although I have already gained a sizeable number of new Facebook friends.

4. procurement [proh-KYOO R-muh nt, pruh] (n.) – the act of acquiring or buying something
Example: The company’s procurement of the building at the city helped boost its sales.

5. at the forefront [at th uh FAWR-fruhnt, FOHR-] (idiom) – being in the lead or in advance
Example: Japan is one of the countries that are at the forefront in terms of technological advancement.


Read the text below.

A recent study conducted by the financial firm Piper Jaffray reported that the American youth have chosen Twitter over Facebook as their most important social networking site.

The study revealed that the American teenagers’ preference for social media has now significantly changed as compared with their preference earlier this year.

According to the study, 26 percent of the American teens surveyed preferred Twitter. On the other hand, only 23 percent favored the social media giant Facebook, showing a decrease of 10 percent from the figures earlier this year.

This news came after Twitter announced its plans to have a $1 billion public offering. This plan may imply that the company has been enjoying a sizeable growth, as proved by its 218 million active users and $316 million revenue the previous year. Clearly, Twitter has secured a huge number of “followers” ever since it was launched.

Nonetheless, there may still be hope for Facebook. According to Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray’s senior analyst, Facebook’s procurement of Instagram maintains its strong appeal to the public. As a matter of fact, Instagram soared seven points and consequently tied with Facebook in terms of popularity among American teens, making both sites a perfect match.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are now at the forefront of other social networking sites used by teens. A very small percentage—less than 10 percent—of American teens selected Tumblr, Google+, or Pinterest as their most important social media.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Why do you think young people prefer Twitter to Facebook?
·         Why do you think social media appeal so much to young people? Please explain.

Discussion B

·         How do you think can these social networking sites help young people when it comes to participating in the society? Explain.
·         What do you think are the disadvantages of using these social media? Explain your opinion.


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