
Showing posts with label vermont:the monkton letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vermont:the monkton letters. Show all posts

the monkton letters

the monkton letters

i got back from the land of lincoln with a mission
i visited my dad, a 90 year old marine veteran of ww2
he is a native missourian
show me state
st. louis city boy
postman philosopher
hard working tough son of a gun
change of life baby
his mom born 132 years ago.1881.
fell in love with his soul mate my mom betsy
who has left the material plane
but who was right with me on my shoulder
as i tried to reach my father
and settled for a warm hand holding hug and a kiss
shirley maclaine explained on the way home on the plane
in my ear buds at 39,000 feet
she said soul mates are 2 of the same person, separated long ago in mu.
so couples who bicker a bit may be actual soul mates
fred and I are soul mates
as were my parents
meanwhile it is up to me to continue to fight injustice,
cruelty, and wrong stuff. You know it when you see it,
unless it is in the dark.
Here, let me turn the light on...

a letter i sent to the town after they tried to sell my property
more to come

My search for common practice in Vermont was replied by a woman from the State. see below

By the way, David Rath is a former attorney of ours.

Rod never spoke with me or tried to contact me in any way.

I will forward my communication with your lawyer.

Mary Gerdt


If you have access to the Internet you may find the Delinquent Tax Collector’s Handbook at the Vermont League of Cities and Towns website helpful (http://resources.vlct.or/browse/?c=8) 


Generally, towns are encouraged to have a procedure that indicates what steps are to be taken when a taxpayer goes delinquent.  The procedure is meant to insure that each delinquent tax case is handled in essentially the same manner, i.e., at what point does the town initiate delinquent tax sale proceedings, etc.  Secondly, Vermont law requires the delinquent tax collector to take specific steps to notify the taxpayer and the town about a delinquent tax sale (32 V.S.A. Sections 5252 and 5253).  Lastly,  the taxpayer whose property is sold has a right to redeem the property, within one year from the day of sale, by paying the sum for which the property was sold plus interest to the delinquent tax collector.  32 V.S.A. Section 5260.


The Handbook will give you a good description in layman’s language of the process.  If you do wish to look at the specific laws (the 32 V.S.A. is a reference to Vermont Statutes Annotated or, in other words, the laws of the State of Vermont)cited in this message or in the Handbook, you can read the statute on-line by going to


I would also suggest that you contact the delinquent tax collector directly and ask if there is anything that can be done to prevent a tax sale.  Perhaps a payment plan can be worked out. 


Hope this information is helpful.


Ellen Tofferi
Deputy Commissioner
Department of Taxes
133 State Street
Montpelier, VT  05633


From: []
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 6:20 PM
To: Tofferi, Ellen
Subject: Regarding payment of property taxes


Hello Ellen Tofferi,

I contacted Secretary if State Deb Markowitz about some issues I have related to a "tax sale" of my property.

She suggested you might know some answers to my questions related to property taxes.


My husband was supposed to pay the property taxes last year. He used a check from an account the bank closed after we refinanced due to my husband losing his job and general hard times.

When the check bounced, we were assessed 8 percent that day.

My husband, in good faith at the time felt we could pay it by the following November.

He errantly did not tell me any of this, but neither did anyone else.


After only 9 months arrears in taxes and no notice to me, a female co-owner wife citizen of Monkton, the town threatened to sell something we own for the taxes. I have yet to see the document the town lawyer drew up. He was an old attorney of ours and I feel he should have tried to find me or the tax collector or someone.


The property taxes are in my understanding, partially state mandated and there are many guidelines for municipalities to follow.


There is however apparently no recourse for me but to hire an attorney or go to the newspapers and tell the rest of the "minor" landowners to watch out for the tax man.


There are other properties in town as recently as 2007 that were 5 years in arrears.


I was never notified of my right to abatement, appeal, or to be appointed a guardian if I was babbling in the cellar.


Any light you could shed would be welcome,



Mary Gerdt


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