
Showing posts with label property tax lien Vermont. Show all posts
Showing posts with label property tax lien Vermont. Show all posts

The Journey of Understanding Vermont Property Tax Snarling Beast

On my Journey of Understanding

the Snarling beast called

Vermont Property taxes...

the digger helped me out yesterday...>


i found out
how small i was,
a woman,
in this hostile town
that thought they owned what i fought so hard to get
(near victim of property tax sale 2007)
reminding me of that day,
the stretcher being wheeled out.
whose hand was i holding
no one told me.
i guessed it was dad.
and his mom.
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Late news..

Something woke me up...surfing twitter w/kindle,
play a game, check FB, email.
Then I saw the emergence of the deal to sell back property to a man who lost his family's legacy to a delinquent tax lien sale by the town.
It was a feel good rare kind of never happens fairy tale thing,
if it were not for things like lawyering, which I guess had to be a part of it.
So I looked for clever tweets to re-tweet thus saving my tired mind from being creative.
Found not a one worth retweet. all pretty snotty, snarky,empty.
newspapers make money on tax notices, gossip, shame and icky stuff,
It would be up to me to set the record straight...

I am proud of Governor Shumlin for giving this man back his property.
Not a political move, nothing really to gain.
It was cool. I am surprised. The lawyers need to find new work.
No long drawn out scandalous court case.
Now, time for Vermont Property Tax Reform...if not now, when...


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Tiger's Tale

Tiger's Tale

Vermont Tiger is an ally in my fight for Truth and Clarity.
In this case,
How does the Vermont Property Tax really work??
shoot, I did not want to zone out more readers who could care less about what i pay.
some of us vermonters started out somewhere else anyway. not that illinois is so special, land of lincoln, like kin he was. kindred anyway, born poor, wanted equality for all.
So if you just came to see a pretty picture, view and move on, I am really good with that.
that was one reason for my blogging anyway, like national geographic in my backyard.
in turn, i follow others who keep me seeing the global perspective.
vermont does have exceptional beauty and feeling.

here it is

Lincoln, Vermont


Now for more about how VT property taxes work...if you dare...
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Dreaming of Springtime in Vermont

if you do not like political stuff, enjoy the photo above and stop reading right now :-)


Will be the last in this series.
The beginning of my age of true disillusionment.
Can already hear some of you sighing, the politically adverse segment of the population
how i wish i could be there somedays.
These are my feelings about town government & powers they have.
My true life experience in 2009 of nearly losing my properties.
What did not work for me to regain some sense of dignity or righteousness.
The brochure online about rights of taxpayers really doesn't cover the half of it.
In truth, towns can be more powerful than banks.
This has happened before and it could happen to you.
This was a letter I sent the town when I found out what they did.

fyi afterword...i have never received any of this information. meg 3.25.13

Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 06:57:50 EST
Subject: To the selectboard

Pleases deliver To the Selectboard of the Town of Monkton,

From Mary E. Gerdt, 40 Cemetery Rd, Monkton (mailing address North Ferrisburg, VT).

I requested some information from David Rath, your attorney.

I have not received it.

I now request it from the Selectboard.

Please send me the following by US Mail

addressed to Mary E. Gerdt, 40 Cemetery Rd, No. Ferrisburg, VT 05473

I want to have all the documents the Town of Monkton has related to the tax sale of real estate property I own.

I want copies of the actual minutes where my property was described and this was discussed.

I want copies of the accounting of the Town Tax Collector, records of his phone calls, attempts to contact me or my husband.

I want copies of receipts of any mail sent to me or my husband.

I want you to tell me how many people are presently in arrears in taxes.

I want to know how you decided to choose us.

I want to know who had abatement of taxes.

I want a copy of what went into the newspaper which I never saw.

I do not feel comfortable at the town hall anymore.

My emails about minutes all summer apparently were in vain since when you finally decided to post them, all I saw was "tax sale". My suggestion to you is to be more open about this process to the actual owners. I wonder how many of my neighbors knew and I had no idea.

I am serious that I want all these documents. Do not ignore this request.

Mary Gerdt
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Fives....lots of Fives....& Virtual Neighborhood...

Fives, Dang a lot of fives came together today...

me 55, born in 58, 5th child, on the 25th, mom born in seemed like a lot,
Or was I just looking for meanings and there was all this coincidence?
anyway, we are now part of a "virtual neighborhood". It is a listserv of town residents. When I close my eyes I still see the houses of the neighbors of my youth,The Pfeiffers, The Stahlhuts, The Jennings', The Kuethes', Braziers, and many more...
Now with a new found outlet to speak to my neighbors I have not know for the 30 years I have lived in the neighborhood, have been wanting to connect about a few issues I find imperative. So I wrote the entry below and thought I would log it in my blog as a time marker. Hoping for change but not counting on the change being what I want. Just something better.
If I get no response, OK, I will stick with sharing feelings with my worldwide web of bloggers, friends, musicians, artists, photographers, activists, and fellow poets. If I get a response, perhaps I will finally feel I have arrived at a neighborhood. If positive, a kindred neighborhood. If negative, well, sorry, I am entitled to feel however I feel.
If something here offends you, just push the I/o button in the o direction.
mary e. gerdt,
over the hill of 55,
55 trips around the sun.
God do I miss Mom at times like this...


Pipelines, Notices to Residents & Delinquent Tax Collection

I fully support everything Jane and Nate Palmer say...and I hope other Monkton residents will stand there too. It is unfortunate the black suited lawyers and lobbyists seem to have all the power, eh? This proposed pipeline (anybody see a map yet?), is being crammed down our throats by a Canadian conglomerate to feed a rich college town and a paper mill That Already Gets Gas!!!
They want a 2 way RACEWAY...anybody get the visual?
Meanwhile the Selectboard seems to passively yawn which leads me to believe they have blessed this.
So why do we pay all the conservation taxes and taxpayers pay to preserve land if we are just going to become, let's face it, Transmission Fields...WRONG, all Wrong!
Why not criminal charges or sanction for what looked like deceptive practices against our great and vulnerable neighbors.
It makes me sick to think the town would let them stomp people like them.
Next, have you experienced not being noticed by the town for a meeting or a application/permit that you had a right to know/be at? Let's change that.
Next, have you been the victim of a delinquent tax sale in Monkton where there are questions about the proper procedure or even, is this like other towns do it? If enough people connected who are as disgruntled as I have been, perhaps we could really change this Draconian, 6 months late, we sell your property thing.
I was told it would never change. Don't do well with never.
Next, I will be publishing all the letters I have sent the town on my blog. It can be a test of, well, what works, what doesn't. Is anyone as frustrated as I am? Or, Mary you are all wet! Ok. I am a big girl (no comments). I can take criticism. Likewise, if others feel like I do, the front porch is truly helping me feel part of a neighborhood and have hope we can connect even though you may be a couple hills over. I hope if there is common sense, ethical reform possible, I hope we can recreate the kind of town Everyone wants to be a part of. Not just the Yellers, the Bullys, the This, the That. The Pipeline people? Ran roughshod over this town. Ripe for the picking I would say. Can the Selectboard choose to engage in fights for the little people instead of looking for new zoning restrictions? Can we put a moratorium on going after people like gravel diggers? (I could have used some local gravel when my driveway washed away).and people too poor to pay taxes this year...instead of raise taxes and shorten tolerance.
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