
British Private Schools Pushed to Share Sports Facilities

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. outgoing (adj.)
[out-goh-ing] – about to leave a job or retire
Example: The outgoing department head gave a party to celebrate his retirement.

2. facility (n.) [fuh-sil-i-tee] –place, equipment or service made to serve a specific purpose
Example: Our local gym has the following facilities: a swimming pool, exercise equipment, shower rooms and free parking.

3. host (v.) [hohst] – to provide the space and needed equipment or services for an event
Example: London hosted the 2012 Olympics.

4. charitable (adj.) [char-i-tuh-buhl] – helping or giving to people who need one’s help
Example: The charitable lady gave all her money to the poor.

5. tax break (n.) [taks breyk] – benefit given to individuals or groups(companies) that are involved in activities that the government wishes to encourage
Example: Religious institutions get significant tax breaks.

Read the text below.

The outgoing chairman of the British Olympic Association, Lord Moynihan, wants UK’s private schools to share their sports resources with public schools.

Lord Moynihan says public school students should also benefit from the expert training and excellent facilities that private school students are privileged to receive.

Some schools are already sharing their sports resources with public school students. Millifield school is one of them, hosting basketball activities and local school games, allowing local clubs to use their facilities, and helping to run a squash club whose members come from different primary schools.

According to Independent Schools Council’s survey, 80% of private schools in the UK are similarly involved in community sports activities.  Lord Moynihan expects that all UK schools participate in community partnerships.

Public schools are not the only ones who could benefit from such partnerships. Charity commission grants charitable status to private schools that share their sports facilities, coaches, and allow public students to attend their classes.

Once a private school gains charitable status, they can get tax breaks. Under the 2011 Charities Act, all these schools need to do is prove that they’re doing something that benefits the public.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Should private schools share their sports facilities and coaches with public school students? Why or why not?
·         What do you think the UK hopes to achieve by encouraging private schools to share their resources?

Discussion B

·         Is your government supportive to sports programs? Why do you say so?
·         What is the importance of the school and the government in children’s involvement in sports?

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