
New Stove Designed to Make Electricity

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. partner (v.) 
[pahrt-ner] – to work with
Example: Disney partnered with Studio Ghibli in order to produce English versions of Ghibli cartoons.

2. all-in-one (adj.) [awl-in-wuhn] – able to perform several functions
Example: This all-in-one printer can print, fax, scan, and copy documents.
3. pattern (v.) [pat-ern] – to make something by copying a model
Example: Apple says Samsung patterned its phones after Apple’s iPhone.

4. simultaneously (adv.) [sahy-muhl-tey-nee-uhs, sim-uhl-] – happening at the same time
Example: She likes to watch TV and study simultaneously.

5. exceed (v.) [ik-seed] – to be greater than
Example: The selling price of a product should exceed the cost of making it.

Read the text below.

Researchers from the UK’s University of Nottingham have partnered with researchers from all over the world to design a new thermo-acoustic (thermo: heat; acoustic: sound) stove.

The SCORE (Stove for Cooking, Refrigeration and Electricity) is a wood-burning stove, a refrigerator and an electricity-generator all-in-one. It produces little smoke compared to regular stoves that burn wood.

Unlike other electricity-producing engines, the Score-Stove’s engine has no moving mechanical parts, which means it will be cheaper to manufacture and will be easier to maintain.

Instead of using mechanical parts, the Score-Stove uses sound waves to produce electricity. A specially-shaped pipe is simultaneously heated on one side and cooled on the other side, causing air molecules inside the pipe to group together and to separate repeatedly. This process produces vibrations or sound waves.

The sound waves inside the pipe are so strong that it exceeds 170 decibels, which is louder than the sound produced by a space shuttle taking off. But because the pipe is very stiff, it stays quiet on the outside.

Researchers aim to make Score-Stoves that can provide about 150 watts of electricity, to charge cellular phones or provide light in places with little to no access to electricity, such as rural communities in Africa and some parts of Asia.

The scientists have begun testing the Score-Stoves in some areas of Bangladesh and Nepal to see how well the stoves work for everyday cooking and use. Paul Riley, Score project director, says one Score-Stove currently costs $250 to make, but they are aiming to lower the price down to $3o.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         How do you feel about the fact that some people do not have electricity at home? Please explain further.
·         Why is it important for people to have at least some access to electricity?

Discussion B

·         Tell me about an invention or product that has improved the lives of many people.
·         What kind of all-in-one machine or device would you like to see in the future? Please explain your answer.


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