
First 3D Printing Vending Machine to be Launched

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. conceptualize 
[kuh n-SEP-choo-uh-lahyz] (v.) – to form or create an idea in the mind
Example: The developer needs to conceptualize ways to effectively promote his business.

2. automated [AW-tuh-meyt-ted] (adj.) – operated by computers or other machines
Example: Bank transactions have already become automated for several years.

3. customize [KUHS-tuh-mayz] (v.) – to create or change a product based on the specific needs of a person or group
Example: The telecommunications company has customized its services to meet its customers’ demands.

4. queue [kyoo] (n.) – a list of saved information in a computer that is intended for future use
Example: Printing the report will take time because many documents are already in the printer queue.

5. compartment [kuh m-PAHRT-muh nt] (n.) – an enclosed and divided area where things are placed or stored
Example: The refrigerator has separate compartments for vegetables, meat, and beverages.

Read the text below.

Printing and collecting three-dimensional (3D) objects can now be very easy with the invention of Dreambox, the first 3D vending machine. Developers from UC Berkley will introduce Dreambox in the University of California, Berkeley later this month.

Developers David Pastewka, Richard Berwick, and Will Drevno conceptualized Dreambox when they observed that current online 3D printing services require a lot of time.  They thus decided to establish an automated system that would allow faster creation and delivery of printed 3D products.

Printing 3D objects through Dreambox involves only three stages. First, users need to choose designs or models from an existing catalog. Customers may also decide whether to customize or upload their own designs to the machine through the internet.

After choosing the design, customers can process a print request to be included in a queue. The machine will then store the final product in a private compartment. Lastly, customers will receive a text message containing the access code that can unlock and open the specific compartment where the user’s order is stored.

According to one of the machine’s developers, a regular print can cost about $15 but can be as cheap as $2. Prices can differ according to the type of printer used and the machine’s location. Customers may be able to pay their order online or through the machine itself.

After installing the first 3D vending machine, the creators plan to create more Dreambox with varied printers and compartments. A Dreambox operated by intranet may also be available in the future.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Do you think 3D printing will be more popular in the coming years? Why do you think so?
·         How do you think can the 3D printing vending machine benefit the people?

Discussion B

·         Why do you think most things become automated nowadays?
·         What are the advantages and the disadvantages of automation? Please explain your answer.


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Right music for the day

Was looking for the right music link for the day
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Psalm Challenge 97

Psalm Challenge 97

On Easter Eve,
fitting time for 97,
A time


apple blossoms & lilacs

lake champlain

Have Faith,
Earth dwellers,
Mountains melt, Oceans swallow,
Lightning Burns,
Thunder Rumbles,
Justice reigns,
Righteousness Appears
God is in charge,
Opposes Evil
The Earth Trembles,
The new day dawns and spring is here.
Have Faith

Adding a song link in my head all morning

for more interpretations,

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New Headphones Play Songs That Match One’s Mood

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. divulge 
[dih-VUHLJ, dahy-] (v.) – to reveal an information
Example: The company cannot divulge the details of its new product.

2. fascinating [FAS-uh-ney-ting] (adj.) – interesting or attractive
Example: People find new and unique gadgets fascinating.

3. drowsy [ DROU-zee] (adj.) – sleepy or tired
Example: I listen to lively songs whenever I feel drowsy.

4. protrude [proh-TROOD, pruh-] (v.) – to extend or project outwards; to stick out
Example: His cellphone protruded in his pants’ back pocket.

5. scarce [skairs] (adj.) – lacking or not enough
Example: The app developers cancelled the project because their funds are scarce.

Read the text below.

Neurowear [NYOO r-oh- wair], a project team in Tokyo, has created a new gadget called Mico headphones. These headphones have brainwave sensors that can detect a user’s mood and play a song matching the mood.

The gadget looks like a bulky over-the-ear headphones with a sensor protruding from the front. This sensor analyzes brain patterns to determine a person’s mood. The sides of the headphones’ earpieces [EER-pees] also display symbols to indicate how the users feel and lights up when a song plays.

The new headphone works with an application of a smart device, such as smartphones and tablets. The headphones will then select and play a song from Neurowear’s database to match the detected mood.

Previously, Neurowear worked on Zen Tunes, an app which analyzes a person’s brainwave data as he or she listens to a specific song. The team also worked on other gadgets, such as the brain-activated cat ears and the brain-controlled tail that moves according to the person’s mood. These gadgets may have been the basis of the newly developed Mico headphones.

While the idea seems fascinating, some people suggested that having a headphone that plays a song opposite to the user’s mood might be better. For example, the headphones may play lively music to awaken its drowsy user. Also, the accuracy of how the gadget identifies the user’s mood is still unknown.

Details about the gadget, however, are still scarce because Neurowear has not yet divulged when it will release the Mico headphones and how much the gadget will cost.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Do you think this kind of gadget may take away our ability to think for ourselves? Why or why not?
·         How can gadgets that monitor people’s brain activities be helpful?

Discussion B

·         How do you think music affects a person’s mood?
·         In your opinion, why do some people play songs that contrast their mood?


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YT link...Joan Osborne - What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted - [STEREO]

Truly incredible version....
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Lions And Lambs

Lions and Lambs


March in like a lion...
will it be out like a lamb?

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Friday nacht musik

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Six-Year-Old Boy Raises Thousands of Dollars for His Sick Best Friend

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. astonish 
[uh-STON-ish]  (v.) – to be greatly surprised or amazed
Example: People were astonished by the child’s wish to raise money for the poor.

2. catch phrase [KACH freyz] (noun phrase) – a phrase used to attract attention
Example: Environmental campaigners made posters with “Think Green” as a catch phrase.

3. cure [kyoor] (n.) – a treatment used to heal a sickness
Example: People consult doctors to find a cure for their illness.

4. fatal [FEYT-l] (adj.) – deadly or may cause death
Example: Some diseases can be fatal when left untreated.

5. ward off [WAWRD awf] (phrasal verb) – to defend against or to fight off something
Example: A healthy body naturally wards off some diseases.

Read the text below.

Dylan Siegel, a six-year-old boy from Los Angeles, has written a children’s book to raise money for his sick best friend.

Seven-year-old Jonah Pournazarian [por-nuh-ZAIR-i-uhn], Dylan’s best friend, has a rare liver disease called glycogen [GLAHY-kuh-juhn, -jen] storage disease type 1B, which causes low blood sugar levels. Jonah’s body also has difficulty warding off bacterial infections.

The disease can be fatal, and Jonah must eat cornstarch seven times a day so that his body can slowly get the type of sugar it needs.

To help his friend, Dylan wrote a 16-page book filled with his own drawings. He named the book “Chocolate Bar.” Even though Jonah cannot eat chocolate because of his disease, the two boys made “chocolate bar” their catch phrase to describe things that they think are cool or awesome.

In the book, Dylan says activities such as going to the beach and helping friends are “so chocolate bar.” Dylan’s parents got the book published in November last year.

The boys’ parents were astonished by the book’s success. The book’s website and Facebook page have received thousands of visitors from all over the world who have shown support and given donations.

So far, “Chocolate Bar” has raised more than $92,000 to support a research team in the University of Florida in finding a cure for Jonah’s disease.

Dylan’s wish to help does not stop there. Dylan’s goal is to raise $1 million for research on Jonah’ disease. He also wants to make a “Chocolate Bar” book series to raise money for other kinds of diseases.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

·         What do you think about the little boy’s effort to help his friend? Explain your response.
·         How can we show our friends that we care about them?

Discussion B

·         Do you think children’s ideas are sometimes better than adults? Why or why not?
·         What qualities of children do you think adults should have? Please explain your answer.


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Travelogue for the Universe: Saturday Music Link on Friday...

Rerun of a music link...Happy Friday!

    Travelogue for the Universe: Saturday Music Link: Great link to Levon Helm & Band Have a great weekend
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rerun...Travelogue for the Universe: The No Film Festival--- Deja Vu

Travelogue for the Universe: The No Film Festival: The No Film Festival by mary e. gerdt. monkton vermont "the trials of the world are all heaven's pearls" Electric Dirt Lev...

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Exercise May Lower Risk of Dementia

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

1. dementia 
[dih-MEN-shuh, -shee-uh] (n.) –  a mental illness that weakens memory, judgment, and understanding
Example: The patient with dementia can no longer recognize her family and relatives.

2. cardiovascular [kahr-dee-oh-VAS-kyuh-ler] (adj.) – relating to the heart and blood vessels
Example: The doctor advised my mother to engage in cardiovascular exercises to strengthen her heart.

3. midlife [MID-lahyf] (adj.) – refers to a person’s middle age, usually between the age 45 and 55
Example:  Most people who experience midlife crisis at age 40 are unhappy.

4. treadmill [TRED-mil] (n.) – an exercise machine in which a person can run or walk while staying in the same place
Example: Instead of jogging outside, he decided to exercise using the treadmill.

5. fitness [FIT-nis] (n.) – a person’s good physical condition or health
Example: An athlete has a higher level of fitness than an occasional jogger.

Read the text below.

Statistics for Alzheimer's disease show that one out of eight adults aged 65 and older suffers from this disease. But, a new research suggests that a person’s fitness level in middle age can determine his or her risk of having dementia in later life.

Researchers of this study used the database from the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study,   which contained information of patient visits to the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. This database was previously used to determine the relationships between fitness and expected life span, diabetes and other diseases. However, in the recent study, researchers tried to show connections between cardiovascular fitness and dementia.

The study compared the midlife fitness levels of 19,458 healthy people to those who were identified to have dementia in later life. Instead of using only patients’ self-reported activities, the researchers used treadmill tests to measure the fitness levels of the participants.  Researchers also took into consideration the age and gender of the participants.

Results revealed that people who had the highest fitness levels were 36% less likely to develop any kind of dementia. Hence, people with better cardiovascular fitness in their middle age may have sharper minds even when they grow old.

However, researchers were not sure whether other lifestyle factors, such as healthy diet, contributed to the results. Therefore, the researchers could not conclude that cardiovascular fitness alone directly caused the lower risk of having Alzheimer's. Nonetheless, the study still provided proof that exercise could result to long term health benefits.

The study’s lead author, Doctor Laura De Fina, said that what people do in the present can affect their physical and mental health in the future.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Do you agree that exercise may keep a person’s mind sharper even when he or she gets old? Why or why not?
·         How can a person’s weak memory affect his or her life?

Discussion B

·         What do you think are the negative effects of over-exercising to a person’s health?
·         How else can people benefit from exercising?


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Great Cats

He had a powerful energy.
Waves of which
We feel and see.

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Random photo Wednesday

Random photos from the archives.
Lake Champlain frozen over in years past

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Early Music Lessons Linked to Better Brain Development

Unlocking Word Meanings 
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. motor skills 
[MOH-ter skils] (n.) – the ability to control the muscles of the body to create a specific movement
Example:  Walking is one of the first motor skills that a child learns.

2. comparable [KOM-per-uh-buh l] (adj.) – similar or equal
Example: Tom’s and his brother’s comparable singing ability makes it hard to tell who is better.

3. accuracy [AK-yer-uh-see] (n.) – the condition of being true or exact; without mistake or error
Example: Researchers conducted the experiment twice to ensure the accuracy of its results.

4. in turn [in TURN] (adv.) – in a similar way as something previously mentioned; accordingly or similarly
Example: Learning a new skill develops a child’s self-confidence, which in turn improves his or her ability to interact with others.

5. showmanship [SHOH-muh n-ship] (n.) – the ability to perform in an interesting and entertaining way
Example: In dance competitions, judges often base the contestants’ scores on technical skills and showmanship.

Read the text below.

A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience [noo r-oh-SAHY-uh ns, nyoo r-] revealed that people who started piano or violin lessons before the age of seven have more brain connections than those who took lessons at a later age or had not taken any at all.

These brain connections are permanent and are linked to better motor skills.

The researchers from Montreal studied 36 musicians, with a comparable skill level, and 17 non-musicians. Among the musicians, 18 started musical training before the age of seven while the remaining 18 began between the ages eight and 18. The participants underwent brain scans and took a test that would evaluate their visual and motor response, as well as the accuracy of their timing.

Results showed that the early-trained musicians performed better in the test than those who started later, who in turn did better than the non-musicians.

Meanwhile, the brain scans of the early-trained musicians revealed that the earlier musicians train, the more brain tissue [TISH-oo] connections they had. These brain tissue connections are responsible for better hand coordination. However, musicians who started training after the age of seven had the same amount of tissue connections as the non-musicians. These findings therefore suggest that certain brain connections can only develop at a very early age.

Virginia Penhune, co-author of the study, stated that the results did not necessarily mean that early-trained musicians are better musicians. Penhune added that other factors should be considered aside from coordination, such as expressiveness and showmanship.

Viewpoint Discussion 
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         Do you think musical training is necessary for a child’s development? Why or why not?
·         In your opinion, how else can music education improve a child’s development?

Discussion B

·         What other activities do you think are helpful to a child’s development? Please explain your answer.
·         What activities are harmful to a child’s physical and mental growth? Explain your answer.


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A Lifetime With Levon - Memphis Magazine - March 2013 - Memphis

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Levon Helm Tribute

A cleansing breath sorely needed.
Stirring up past losses, failed conquests, well, it just demands
a turning to the real life things that matter, like a
link to a Tribute to Levon lovingly done by Warren Haines & Band.
It was weird that the last letter I posted #5 occurred at about the same time November 2009 as we got invited to a once in a lifetime Special Midnight Ramble. That was when we saw Kris Kristofferson et many more... at Levon's barn. No more than 200 people hearing and experiencing such a rare concert.
I really took it as a sign at the time of better days. It was like Levon had his Rambles and we went for what I called a "healing". The barn has an intimate quality like no other. At the same time we both read This Wheel's on Fire by Levon Helm, the honest and fascinating story of that man whose eyes sparkle and shine. Levon talked about his childhood's family trouble when the bank "papered them" and what did that mean? They must have called in the loan? And I realized no matter how smart or powerful you think you are, we are all vulnerable to a certain element of greed.
I hope you would consider helping Levon's family and friends save his barn.
Or perhaps you are near Woodstock, NY and want to experience an intense musical venue you will never forget.
Or you want to order the new release Love for Levon...incredible multiple cd/dvd pkg...
go to

Wow Warren Haynes and band link on yt...

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Dreaming of Springtime in Vermont

if you do not like political stuff, enjoy the photo above and stop reading right now :-)


Will be the last in this series.
The beginning of my age of true disillusionment.
Can already hear some of you sighing, the politically adverse segment of the population
how i wish i could be there somedays.
These are my feelings about town government & powers they have.
My true life experience in 2009 of nearly losing my properties.
What did not work for me to regain some sense of dignity or righteousness.
The brochure online about rights of taxpayers really doesn't cover the half of it.
In truth, towns can be more powerful than banks.
This has happened before and it could happen to you.
This was a letter I sent the town when I found out what they did.

fyi afterword...i have never received any of this information. meg 3.25.13

Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 06:57:50 EST
Subject: To the selectboard

Pleases deliver To the Selectboard of the Town of Monkton,

From Mary E. Gerdt, 40 Cemetery Rd, Monkton (mailing address North Ferrisburg, VT).

I requested some information from David Rath, your attorney.

I have not received it.

I now request it from the Selectboard.

Please send me the following by US Mail

addressed to Mary E. Gerdt, 40 Cemetery Rd, No. Ferrisburg, VT 05473

I want to have all the documents the Town of Monkton has related to the tax sale of real estate property I own.

I want copies of the actual minutes where my property was described and this was discussed.

I want copies of the accounting of the Town Tax Collector, records of his phone calls, attempts to contact me or my husband.

I want copies of receipts of any mail sent to me or my husband.

I want you to tell me how many people are presently in arrears in taxes.

I want to know how you decided to choose us.

I want to know who had abatement of taxes.

I want a copy of what went into the newspaper which I never saw.

I do not feel comfortable at the town hall anymore.

My emails about minutes all summer apparently were in vain since when you finally decided to post them, all I saw was "tax sale". My suggestion to you is to be more open about this process to the actual owners. I wonder how many of my neighbors knew and I had no idea.

I am serious that I want all these documents. Do not ignore this request.

Mary Gerdt
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Study Says British Olympic Athletes Need Jobs

Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. undecided (adj.) – not sure about something
Example: He is undecided on whether to play baseball or volleyball.

2. inevitable (adj.) – cannot be avoided, sure to happen
Example: Growing old is inevitable for everyone.

3. out-of-work (adj.) – unemployed or not working
ExampleOut-of-work people find it difficult to support themselves financially.

4. pentathlon (n.) – a contest with five different sports events like running, swimming, shooting, horseback riding and fencing.
ExampleAthletes who join a pentathlon must have a lot of stamina and a variety of skills. 

5. down on one’s luck (idiom.) – being in a difficult situation
Example: He was down on his luck after he lost his job.

Read the text below.

BBC Sports' latest research revealed that some of the 553 British athletes who participated in the London Olympics are unemployed and struggling to find new careers.

Since last year’s Olympic Games, more than 64 British athletes have given up sports while 24 are undecided about their futures.

Retiring is inevitable for athletes because of injuries, funding problems or the natural end of a sports career. But after years of excitement and focus on competitions, athletes may have trouble finding other jobs that can satisfy them.

To help out-of-work athletes, the British Olympic Association (BOA) launched an Athlete Career in England last January. About 150 athletes and 40 potential employers attended the event. The different companies and sports organizations gave advice and job opportunities to the athletes.

Georgina Harland, an Olympic bronze medal winner who retired from pentathlon because of an injury, said that BOA's Career Fair goal is to support athletes who are down on their luck. According to Harland, it was not easy giving up her sport. She is now employed as a sport engagement manager in BOA.

Many athletes also turn to part-time work so as not to give up their sport. Kate Walsh, captain of the Great Britain hockey team said her team needed to find jobs to support themselves after government funding for hockey was reduced last year.  

Working part-time in a public relations firm, Walsh says that it is very challenging to balance work and sports. Although she is working part-time, she has no plans of quitting hockey.

Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor. 

Discussion A

·         How do you think athletes feel when they must give up their career?
·         How can people show or give support to former athletes?

Discussion B

·         Why do you think some people are not able to get the job they want?
·         What can we do so that we can get the job we really want?


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