
American Parents with Adopted Russian Children Visit Russia

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. adoption [uh-DOP-shuh n] (n.) – the act of making a person legally part of one’s family
Example: The children for adoption are going to meet their possible new guardians tomorrow.

2. ban [ban] (v.) – to prohibit; to forbid from doing something
Example: The president banned the foreigners from entering the country.

3. ridiculous [ri-DIK-yuh-luh s] (adj.) – lacking sense or wisdom
Example: Making the law against adoption seems ridiculous.

4. heritage [HER-i-tij] (n.) – valued objects, places, qualities, or traditions that have been passed on from one generation to another 
Example: The family visited the attractions considered as heritage in Russia.

5. orphan [AWR-fuh n] (n.) – a child who lives alone because his or her parents are dead
Example: With no one to guide him, the orphan was sent to the foster home.


Read the text below.
Despite adoptions of Russian children by American parents being banned, 15 American families, together with their adopted Russian children, still travelled to and visited Russia. 

Last winter, Russian president Vladimir Putin has approved the said ban. As a sign of protest, Russians marched on the street to protest on the new law as they think the government is shameful and the law is ridiculous.

For one, Lauren Thompson, who visited Russia with her adopted son Andrei, said that her son has always been interested in Russian heritage.

The families wanted their adopted children to see and have experiences in the country where they were born, a place they only had been told about. Parents thus wanted their children to know who they are and where they really came from.

Sarah Goth of the Ties Program, part of a Wisconsin company, guided the tour. In this tour, some of the adopted children were able to meet their real parents.

Twelve-year-old Ally, on the other hand, did not meet her real mother, saying that she is only curious but is not thinking much about her birth mother.  

One of the parents also gave her comments on the adoption issue in Russia. Katherine, the adoptive mother of Ally, said that she cannot understand why the Russian government seems to block a child’s chances of having a family.
Right now, Moscow Kremlin is in the center of domestic and international criticism because of its controversial adoption law. Despite the law, Kremlin still encourages Russian parents to adopt Russian orphans.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         Do you think it is important for an adopted child to know where he or she came from? Why do you think so?
·         If you were President Vladimir Putin, would you also ban adoptions of Russian children by American parents? Why is that so?

Discussion B

·         What do you think are the barriers towards achieving peace between different races in the world? Please explain your answer.
·         What do you think are the ways in order to achieve peace despite cultural differences? Briefly explain to your tutor.


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