
ART: A Hope for HIV/AIDS Patients

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article. 

1. avert [uh-VURT] (v.) – to prevent or to stop something from happening
Example: Vaccinations can avert some diseases from occurring.

2. susceptible [suh-SEP-tuh-buh l] (adj.) – prone or at risk of being influenced or harmed
Example: Children living in cold areas are susceptible to flu and common colds.

3. homosexual [hoh-muh-SEK-shoo-uh l] (n.) – a person who is attracted to people of the same sex
Example: Anthony and John, in a relationship with each other, are homosexuals.

4. lactate [LAK-teyt] (v.) – to produce milk from one’s body
Example: Mothers often start to lactate after giving birth.

5. regimen [REJ-uh-muh n, -men, REZH-] (n.) – a plan or regular course of action to improve health or to gain some other result
Example: Her daily regimen included eating vegetables in the morning and drinking coconut juice at night.


Read the text below.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that early treatment of the HIV can save many lives in the future.

During a major international AIDS Conference, WHO issued new treatment guidelines for AIDS. The treatment called ART or Antiretroviral Therapy can save millions of lives by preventing others from getting infected with the virus. The ART lowers the amount of virus in the blood.

Gundo Weiler, coordinator of WHO's HIV-AIDS Department, reported that at the end of 2012, about 9.7 million people have already taken ART medications. This figure is significantly larger than the 300,000 cases ten years ago. Weiler added that this increase has averted more than 4.2 million deaths and more than 800,000 infections from mother to child.

Despite this progress, only one in three children is receiving ART. Moreover, the people who are more susceptible to the virus, like drug users, sex workers, and homosexuals, are not getting any access to the drugs.

WHO stepped up its recommendations for ART to HIV-infected children under the age of five, women with HIV who are lactating or are pregnant, and to HIV- positive people whose partners are not infected with HIV. The improved regimen involves taking one tablet per day at an earlier stage to avoid taking more tablets because of late treatment.

The U.N. Health agency said the treatment of HIV should be a more integrated system, with HIV services being readily available just like services for tuberculosis, maternal care, reproductive health, and treatment for drug dependence. This system may then help people stay healthier and prevent the transmission of infections.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.  

Discussion A

·         How do you feel about the news that ART can now prevent deaths and infections from HIV-infected people?
·         Do you think it is possible to find a complete cure for HIV soon? Please explain your answer.

Discussion B

·         Should the government allocate budget for treating serious illnesses such as AIDS? Why or why not?
·         How do you think can ordinary citizens show support to health-related government projects?


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